Midea is an environmentally responsible brand. Outstanding contribution for environment was recognized, among others, by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). According to UNIDO data, Midea's project of product development, production and distribution has eliminated 13.2 tons of ozone depletion potential and reduced emissions equivalent to 967,490 tons of CO2 per year!
Such prestigious successes are driven by systematically pursued goals:
Goal no. 1: Improvement of living comfort
Midea's values are based on sustainable activities in economic, social and environmental protection sectors. A successful business should not only be profitable, but also recognized as resource-conserving, meeting the expectations of customers and society. Midea promotes the highest social ethics and best business practices by respecting human rights, equality and harmony.
Goal no. 2: Energy efficiency and awareness
During its production processes, Midea focuses on energy efficiency improvement, waste management, saving water and carbon dioxide emissions. Aside from implementing energy-saving practices in its facilities, Midea is also focused on optimizing resources consumption throughout the supply chain, including procurement and logistics.
Goal no. 3: Energy-saving solutions
As early as during the design process, Midea introduces solutions and functionalities so that the devices achieve the highest possible energy efficiency classes (A +++) and contribute to the lowest possible electric energy consumption. These, among others, include functions: SmartSave, iECO, sleep, 1W stand by 1W, Gear mode.
Midea has introduced the world’s first environmental friendly air-conditioner with the Blur Angel Certificate.
55 years of experience
166 000 + employess
245 on the list Fortune Global 500
200 + countries
15 production bases in China
18 production bases in the world